Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Fruitful Day of Leave..

Woke up late and had to rush for my appointment, but not before I take some photos of 'Before'... Hmmm.. I was having good skin & good hair day.. Must be the relaxing mood since I'm on leave :D

Presenting my 'Before' & 'After' Photos...

Yes!! I got my signature look back! But not totally as my hair is still very very layered so it will still take awhile for it to be one length for all. But at least I got my straight hair n bangs back! I likey!

Bot my ballerina pumps at Far East after my date at the hairdresser and ran off coz i was in a spending mood! See.. Nice rite?

In any case, off I ran to meet Fion & Mui at Infocus. To catch up and to bitch about with them :P I do really enjoy bitching.. whahahahahaha...

Went home after that and Ro packed my favourite chicky rice for dinner!~
Nice of him right? See got egg!!

After dinner we did our project, the cornflake cups! Easy & fun to do. Maybe can sell during chinese new year. ANybody want? A bottle of 30 selling at $12! Do let me know if you're interested.

And hor, My baby button really really loves to take photo. I realise he keeps sitting near me to get into the pictures! Kekekeke.. Cam whore like mummy!

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