Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I know how they feel now...

I know how a new born baby feels, when he/she just popped out of their mum's belly?!? or should I say body? Cause technically it is not belly right? It's their womb and the exit point is... Let's not get into details...

As I was saying, I know how a newborn baby feels now. Or rather, I knew how they feel for the longest time but just did not put two and two together. And I digress. The feeling would be like getting out of the MRT!

No, not just the normal MRT rides. I know you must be thinking I'm crazy. But! I mean, early morning, 845am crowd MRT rides. The pushing and shoving of bodies would most probably mimick the contractions of the mummy. When you reach Raffles Place, even without moving, you get shoved out of the MRT. Pop! You're out. Especially when your shoulders finally get disengaged from the other shoulders around you. Doesn't it feel like a newborn baby, finally out of the womb/tunnel/passage?

I witness an auntie almost losing her balance when she was shoved out.. Pop! Out comes baby! Food for thought...

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