Friday, September 4, 2009

I am fat...

Went to true fitness to collect my 2 weeks pass with Eve & Nicole.

Measured our fat content and I am made up of 29.7% of fat.

The acceptable % is 17-24% and anything more than 30% is obese.

Yes, I need to do something about it desperately.

Thank god my metabolic rate is high and thus no problems with my health.

The instructors there said I have to do more cardio and weights in order to turn my fats into muscles and since muscles are heavier than fat, I would be able to increase my BMI. Yep, I'm still underweight..

Not many people get it, they say fat = overweight. Underweight need to gain fat. How wrong they are. No wonder so many thin people have high blood, high cholestrol etc. Thank god for the good genes that I have :P

More jogging for me and I need to start doing some weights..

Jia you jia you jia you!

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