Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Lunch

PS: Missing photos of my brother, Peixi, Mae Sie, Aunt, Uncle Benny and Grandma.

Christmas Lunch at Imperial Treasure Super Peking Duck (Paragon). Mum looking all tuckered out as she spent the night at MBS till 2am.

Mr Ro and me with puffy eyes due to lack of sleep. We had watched the Fockers the night before.

Carrot cake. I love dim sum styled carrot cake (and also the English version with cream cheese). However, I absolutely deplore the Old Chang Kee styled. Yucks..

Mushroom Chicken Pie. Very western, confused me as to why is it appearing in dim sum

Oh my, I accidentally deleted the Siew mai picture yet. Too lazy to reload, I can only tell you the shrimp in it is huge. I actually love Har Gao and detest Siew Mai but the Siew Mai here's pretty decent. Soft Char Siew Bao I shared with Ro. Yummy yummy.

Chicken feet which I do not take. Very fragrant and nice was the feedback given.

Beancurd skin with seafood. Tasty crispy they all chimmed.

Yam cake that I do not take. Nice and yammy I would guess. Har Gao, lotus leaf Lor Mai Gai I missed out taking pictures of. Not to mention the Xiao Long Bao. Lack of sleep has affected me. Not so nimble on Pinkie.

Finale by the appearance of the duck.

The chef wields his knife and pushes out the cart.

Crispy skin that he carved. Meaty juice flowing over the duck meat as he deftly skins it.

Piece by piece the meat he carved. A duck instead of a turkey on Christmas day. My aunt's suggestion it was. A funny twist to a longtime tradition of our family.

Two ways of having the duck there is. First the skin with just a bit of sugar and sauce.

Then after the meat with the kin in a pita-like skin. Imperial Treasure Super Peikin Duck it is. No more Prima Duck there'll be. My heart goes to Super Duck.

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