Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Asia Hosting Business Kick-off Day One

The day kicked off with a Volleyball match at Siloso beach. Hot hot sun welcomed us at 4pm in the evening.

Being able to catch a ball easily, but never able to hit a ball with my arms outstretched, I only played a game and half the time I'm skiving in the shade. No pics of me playing as we girls were all in it.

So what did I do there? Taking photos of course.. LOL!

With my cam-whore partner, Miss Genevieve Ang.

She's pretty popular from what you can tell her. Someone professed their love for her on the sand.

Dinner was a simple affair. Buffet by the beach. The company's great though.. coz.....

We got to do crazy stunts during the sunset while waiting for Hwee Hoon to send the participants back to the shuttle bus.

Mr Albert in the center. His day one at work. He's from the corp side, seconded to us for 6 months. Replacing Gen's favourite Prince William-look-alike, Mr Andrew Baron.

The blissful couple. LOL! Jesslyn & Albert.

This is what happens when 3 women are together. They set the camera to auto-shutter mode, 3x consecutively and start making weird faces.

Emo Emo.. And force the poor boy to join us...

Scream! We have feedbacks that all 4 of us look like we're drunk.

But we're not. Only Albert drank some beer. Rest of us, we didn't. See! Even Hwee Hoon's infected by us. Dragged her in for some candid shot too.

On the way home and yes, that is a pack of Garrett popcorn on my arm. lol! Diet after that!

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